Thursday, January 23, 2014

Five People Blog 1

We've only met one of the five people that Eddie will meet in heaven, but we already know a good deal about him (and we'll learn a whole lot more very quickly).  While some of you have previously read/began/sat-in-a-class-where-others-read this novel, you should only be drawing from what we, in this class, have read.  For you first blog, you will need to respond to at least one of the following prompts (although it will most likely be necessary to respond to more) with at least 250 words that thoroughly answer/discuss it.  This will most likely implore you to use multiple paragraphs (intro and conclusion, anyone?).

The Prompts
1. The first person that Eddie meets is the Blue Man.  Why does he meet him?  What lesson(s) does Eddie learn?  How, then, do these affect his (and the Blue Man's) life?
2. Albom writes that Eddie exists in a "weary state of acceptance" on page 5. Explain what Albom means by this statement. How did Eddie come to be in this state?
3. The Five People You Meet in Heaven set at Ruby Pier.  How does this amusement park differ from theme parks today?  In what ways is it the same?  How might this setting affect and timbre the story?
4. In the book's Preface Albom writes: "Everyone has an idea of heaven, as do most religions, and they should all be respected." Discuss the author's cautionary words.

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